b'Part 2: Minimising the industrys impact on the environmentThere are certain procedures and solutions 48% that should be in place at every manufacturing site in the UK to ensure businesses can Almost half of respondents (48%) sayefficiently and proactively minimise their they are fully aware of their businessimpact on the environment, but according environmental obligations. to our research these preventions arent as commonplace as they should beand this 30% might be because advice doesnt state that .but just under a third (30%) said theytheyre compulsory.find it impossible to fully measure their companys impact on the environment. According to our research, 53% of sites dont have an interceptor or grease trap and worryingly over half (54%) of companies When it comes to minimising impact on thedont have a drain/asset map. Furthermore, environment, prevention is better than cure just half (50%) of all respondents could especially for manufacturing companies whoconfidently say their contaminated water simply cannot avoid the need to undertakeexits site via a foul water drain. processes which result in contaminated water and trade effluent. Here, our drainCollectively, these findings demonstrate the expert and senior technical support managermanufacturing industry might be contributing Chris Nelson provides advice on the stepsto the detrimental affect on the environment. manufacturing companies can take to mitigateNot having these solutions in place, or not environmental harm through planned,having a thorough understanding of how water preventative maintenance of drainage systems.moves around and exits your site, does have a And, importantly, advises on the routinedirect impact on the environment. maintenance which, if implemented, could save manufacturing companies hard earned money by reducing emergency call out fees and downtime.'