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Case Study

UV Lining of 450mm Effluent Pipework

  • Industry: Food Processing Factory
  • Location: Leominster, England

Scope of Service

  • Pre-cleansing of pipework with Water Recycling Tanker
  • Robotic Cutting Unit
  • CCTV Mainline Surveying Unit
  • SpeedyLight + LED Curing System
  • Seartex UV Liner (4mm)


Description of works

Metro Rod have a wide variety of customers, some are strictly reactive, mainly domestic and emergency jobs. Whereas, some are planned and are done on a routine basis such as industrial estates and factories.


Metro Rod Newport, Hereford, Gloucester, and Cardiff carry out a camera survey at Cadbury’s Chocolate Factory, Leominster annually as part of an ongoing planned maintenance schedule. The site is split into 3 sections and one per year is surveyed as a precautionary measure.


In 2022, Metro Rod were enlisted to survey the site before the installation of the lining repair. After identifying several defects in a 65-metre section of a 450mm pipework, it was proposed to the client that the length be lined utilising the latest SEARTEX UV liner with a 4mm thickness.


The installation of the UV liner requires no sunlight, due to it causing the liner to erect prematurely. It is also essential for no water to touch the liner before or during the installation. The UV liner fitting was carried out by a team of 9 engineers over 15 hours.


On the day of installation, upon arriving on site the first task our team had to complete was to survey and remove 3 protruding 150mm VC connections* – this was accomplished with a Prokasro 4.0 robotic cutting unit.

Once all the protruding connections were removed, all the incoming connections were capped off and sealed with suitable drain stoppers. The line was then desilted with a water recycling tanker which ensured that all loose debris and deposits were removed efficiently.


The UV liner was dragged into place with the aid of a trailer-mounted winch, once in place within the pipeline, the curing process could begin.


Cured at a rate of 0.36 metres per minute, the curing process lasted approximately 3 hours. Throughout the process, the curing head was passed from one end of the pipe to the other, initiating an exothermic reaction that cures the entire thickness of the liner as it passes.


Once the liner had cured, both ends were trimmed to a smooth finish, and 3 lateral connections
were re-opened with the Prokasro 4.0 robotic cutting unit. The pipework was surveyed upon
completion and a report presented to the client showing the liner in place.


*A VC connector is a pipe that joins a main pipeline but is pushed in too far causing blockages within the pipeline.




Health & Safety Considerations

To comply with health and safety, the designmated supervisor carried out a pre-start briefing. The briefing consisted of a review of all assessments and method statements applicable to the work being carried out on site. A saftey conversation was conducted by a client representative highlighting the safety protocols related to the area where the work took place.

All staff were wearing the appropriate PPE for the tasks being carried out.

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Talk to your local Metro Rod specialist

We are always happy to arrange a free site assessment and no obligation quotations for any work you might need. Alternatively, you can call our emergency hotline number on 0800 66 88 00

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