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Case Study

Case Study – Metro Rod Mid Wales

Name: Alun and Cath Richards
Location: Mid Wales

Alun and Cath's Story:

Alun was an experienced dairy farmer, but uncertainty in the rural economy meant he wanted to diversify. Careful research led him to Metro Rod, the UK’s leading business-to-business drainage contractor, whose trusted brand name and national reputation made the company an attractive choice. Although neither Alun nor his wife were familiar with the drainage industry, the business skills they’d already developed on the farm set them in good stead.

The Franchise:

As Alun remembers, “Investing in a franchise meant we could take advantage of Metro Rod’s knowledge and expertise. They offered a huge amount of support, including one-to-one technical and business training, so we were able to hit the ground running.” Their business developed steadily and just six months after taking over the franchise, the Richards’ daughter Caroline and son-in-law Adrian both joined the team. Their background in sales and business administration proved the key from moving the new business from its promising beginnings to rapid expansion. “Adrian brought the key sales and marketing skills we needed to really start growing our business“ recalls Alun.

In Their Own Words:

“We’re still working hard. But now we employ two full-time and several part-time engineers, we’re able to enjoy more and more leisure time together as a family.”

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Talk to your local Metro Rod specialist

We are always happy to arrange a free site assessment and no obligation quotations for any work you might need. Alternatively, you can call our emergency hotline number on 0800 66 88 00

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