With the announcement of hose pipe bans in the Pembrokeshire area of wales, and official droughts being declared throughout Wales, more and more people are doing what they can to reduce their water usage. However, we must not forget that efforts can be made to reduce water out just as much as water in.
WaterWise has some fantastic advice on saving water including fixing leaky taps and loos, and being more careful in what you flush in your home. The website also offers some useful advice for commercial businesses and properties in order to save water on a larger scale - water devices and recycling.
If there is anything we can do to help your home or premises during these drier times then please give us a call on 01792 863923. We can help with your drainage problems to ensure efficiency in your water out processes, and thanks to our pump division, can even assist with the 'water in' side of your business.
#drainexperts #walesdrought #hosepipeban #metrorod #pumps #waterinwasteout

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