Drain care in the Slough area probably conjures up thoughts and images like the one above which shows one of Metro Rod Slough's drainage engineers unblocking an underground drain, gaining access via a manhole to deploy high pressure water jetting equipment and clear the blockage.
Certainly it's true that much of our work in unblocking blocked drains, blocked toilets and carrying out drain maintenance in and around Slough DOES involve exactly this type of technique, with the blockage located in a sub-surface drain or possibly within a pipe or soil stack inside the building experiencing the problem.
Facilities Managers and Property Managers in Slough and other Berkshire towns like Maidenhead, Henley, Marlow, Newbury and Reading, are increasingly aware however that our engineers are not just subterranean operators....they also look after drains and drainage components with a much more open-air outlook.
Next time you are in a car-park, for instance, take a moment to look down and you will often see channel drains...sometimes known as ACO drains...which look like this :
These drains are commonplace and will, over time unless they are regularly cleaned, gradually block as silt and other debris accumulates inside them. Surface water will then typically accumulate in pools and not drain away as intended. Our drainage engineers can readily clean these drains and make sure your site is free of such problems.
Once you have finished looking down at your channel drains it's time to look up and think about those "drains in the air" ....your site's gutters and roof channels. At Metro Rod Slough we are, increasingly, using our Metro Vac technology to clean gutters from ground level. In the image below our drainage engineer sucks debris, plant and silt from a gutter whilst all the time viewing the gutter via a camera mounted on top of the suction nozzle.
A pre-planned maintenance programme from Metro Rod Slough will involve our drainage engine ears visiting your site at regular intervals (appropriate to your site's needs) and cleaning ALL your drains whether underground, internal pipework, surface or rooftop. With our comprehensive approach you need not fear the inconvenience, disruption and unpredictable costs...in the worst cases calamitous....associated with unforeseen drainage emergencies.
Contact Metro Rod Slough today to arrange a free-of-charge no-obligation site assessment. We will visit your site and have a friendly and professional discussion about the best approach to drain care.
You can contact us by:
Calling us on 0118 950 4477
Going to www.metrorod.co.uk/local/reading
Emailing us at [email protected]
Connecting with Andrew, our Managing Director on LinkedIn

Talk to your local Metro Rod specialist
We are always happy to arrange a free site assessment and no obligation quotations for any work you might need. Alternatively, you can call our emergency hotline number on 0800 66 88 00
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