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Recent flooding

9th October 2019

Recent flooding

Blocked drains and flooding caused by recent weather

Intense down pours of rain have caused many problems in the Mid Lancs area this week, drains just can’t handle the amount of water!! Or a restriction in the drain is causing the drains to back up which results in flooding.
This has meant lots of emergency call out flood jobs for the Mid Lancs area who were called to a job at a pub which was 6 inches deep with water. The landlord had noticed water coming out of the gully which had caused flooding in the cellar.
Our engineers quickly got there and used specialized pumps to pump out the water as their sump pump was broken which had caused an overflow of water.

The rainy season can cause lots of problems for homeowners and businesses including sewers backing up.
Firstly, its important to understand why these back ups are happening, heavy rain mixed with other factors can lead to a disaster.
When there’s a heavy down fall the drainage systems may get blocked with debris which then causes surface water flooding. Surface water flooding is caused when the volume of rainwater falling does not drain away through the existing drainage systems or soak into the ground, but lies on or flows over the ground instead.

What problems can surface water cause?

When surface water flooding occurs in your garden, it can;
• Create a hazard on paved surfaces with standing water and puddles, as well as slippery moss growth if water sits for a long period of time
• Smoother submerged plants and lawns, either killing the vegetation or causing long-term damage
• Cause structural problems for paved surfaces, fences, sheds and outdoor buildings if they experience prolonged periods under water

How to reduce surface water flooding

• Clear gutters and outside drains
• Make sure your roofs are in good repair
• Choose driveway surfaces that allow water to flow
• Maintain healthy and level lawns

What can we do to help?

If you do have any drainage problems at your home or business, we are on hand to help 24/7 365 days a year, our engineers who are fully trained will assess the problem and decide the best way of dealing with it!


Flood Asda

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