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And who on earth thought ‘I know septic tank?’

8th August 2019

And who on earth thought ‘I know septic tank?’

The first septic tank appears to date back to 1860 in France.  It is believed that the first septic tank was invented by Jean Louis Mouras who believed that waste would  be better disposed of if it didn't get instantly discharged into the environment. this means that septic tanks have been around for more than 150 years which means in 2020, when they new septic tank law comes in,  they would have been around for 160 years!! (HAPPY BIRTHDAY)

How did it start!

The first septic tank was built from concrete, with clay piping, which Mouras buried in his back garden, where the piping transported the waste water from his home to the tank.  a cesspool was created sot hat when the sewage overflowed from the tank it would be released into the cesspool.  10 years after the system was first installed Mouras opened the tank to see how his invention had been getting on.  The results spoke for themselves, upon opening the tank he found it to be basically empty of solids with just a small layer of scum left.   Obviously this was a big win for Mouras, his design had been proven to work!  From this he sought out the help of Abbe Moigno who was a priest come scientist at time, who helped Mouras and by 1881 his invention was patented.

History Septic System

Septic Tanks for world Domination

1883- It had found it's way to the USA and was subsequently introduced to UK and the rest of the world.  Spreading like wildfire throughout America, Africa and Europe, as each country got it's hands on this new idea, so did they begin to fine tune the system.  America had a large hand in tweaking the system, making it one that is more recognisable to those that we have today.

1920- By the 1920's Americans were installing Septic tank and drainage fields whose standards were not far off those that we have currently.  (septic tank is cockney slang for Yank.... lets choose to believe they were being complimentary rather than derogatory)

1940- Britain are yet to create an established standard for Cesspools,  in a post war world the government, though recognising that they were not best practice, chose to accept them.  As due to the high levels of damage the war caused it was seen as the only practical method for dealing with sewage in many areas.

1956- After recovering somewhat from the aftermath of war, Britain finally created a a standard for Septic Tanks- addressing them as small Domestic sewage Treatment works- code CP 302.100

1983- Many revisions had been made to the initial code of practice including: coverage of settlement tables, installations, treatment of sewage by aeration and removal of solids from a secondary effluent.  These codes of practice were replaced in 1983 by one standard- BS 6297 Design and installation of small  sewage treatment works and cesspools. 

2007- In 2007 The standards in Britain where changed once more to accommodate holiday parks and include drainage fields that are used today.

2020- With the environment becoming a hot topic over  recent years, new regulations are coming into force, regarding septic tanks and their discharge areas.  Meaning big changes for a lot of UK homes, for more information on how this law effects you, your property or your house sale head over to our information page or get in contact with us now: Septic tank Law 2020

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