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Drain stack cleaning in London multi-storey buildings

30th January 2020

Drain stack cleaning in London multi-storey buildings

Central London Stacks

Central London is well known for it's many multi-storey buildings and at Metro Rod drain care and repair we are just as often dealing with drains which run vertically as opposed to just horizontal ground drainage .

A multi-storey building will typically have vertical stack pipes running from top to bottom. Drain care in London's many such buildings therefore involves cleaning and maintenance of these stacks as a key component of our work and any CCTV survey or pre-planned maintenance visit will involve us in accessing the stacks in order to do a full and thorough job. The larger the building the more stack pipes it will generally have.

All the drain lines from toilets sinks, appliances and showers will be connected horizontally on each floor into these vertical stack pipes which therefore serves a pivotal role in the drainage system of any large building.

Over time if stacks are not regularly cleaned and maintained they will inevitably, in any high-usage scenario where volumes of people are using toilets and other facilities, begin to see reduction in diameter as scale begins to form and accumulate in the pipe. These deposits form naturally over time and attach to the pipe's inner walls. Every time you flush the toilet, debris can get slowed down or even trapped by these deposits and ultimately the pipework can become almost completely blocked with attendant "drainage disaster" as the stacks become incapable of removing waste water from the building. In this scenario business disruption , loss of income and costly remedial works often result.

CLICK HERE to see some examples of stack pipe issues we have come across in London in the past few months.

Our Property Management and Facilities Management customers understand these risks all too well and hence the popularity of pre-planned drain maintenance from Metro Rod for many London buildings .

Haven't checked the condition of your stack pipes in Central London for a while ?

Perhaps you are already seeing signs of drainage issues with toilets or sinks backing up or draining more slowly than usual ?

Contact us by calling the number below or any of the other methods shown :

0203 8756780

by emailing us on [email protected]

or connecting with Gary, our Commercial Director on Linked In


Talk to you local metrorod specialist

Talk to your local Metro Rod specialist

We are always happy to arrange a free site assessment and no obligation quotations for any work you might need. Alternatively, you can call our emergency hotline number on 0800 66 88 00

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