I prepare myself for a day with one of our Plumber Jon, I’m taking his Apprentice Plumber’s place today. I’ve prepared a very generous packed lunch, A packed lunch that would put every engineer to shame, enough to feed the whole team.
I am usually based in the office but wanted to get a feel for what it is like being one of our plumbers; the types of job they get and the demands they face.
The morning started at the unit 8.30, Van ready to go, no time for a cuppa as there are plenty of jobs lined up
Our first stop was to quote to replace a boiler in the scenic town of Corbridge. The customer wanted a quote to replace and relocate his boiler, Jon listened and talked through the best option for the customer and prepared a quote that met his requirements.
Next stop. Leaking shower.
We were called out to a home emergency via there insurance company for a leaking shower, Jon assessed that the seal had broken and swiftly replaced this, leaving the customer delighted with such a quick fix.
Lunch time
Did Jon pack a lunch as amazing as mine…No!
Because Jon doesn’t know when or what times he will be working he prefers to pick something up on the go, I thoroughly enjoyed my banquet. Jon uses his lunch break to prepare any prices he needs for quotations and send them back to the office, ensuring our customers get their quote in a timely manner.
Where we off next Jon? Leaking Toilet
We had been called out to a leaking toilet with a suspected faulty fill valve. Jon took apart the toilet to ensure there was no further issues and then replaced with a new fill valve before putting back together and cleaning the area where he had worked.
Oh look, it’s another Leaking Toilet
Hello darkness my old friend, this toilet was exactly the same issue as the last visit we did, Jon let me know that a lot of the issues are very common and easily fixed you if you know what you’re looking for.
Final job, leaking tap
Our final stop of the day was to a leaking tap. Jon evaluated the job and found that the washer had perished, he was able to replace this and leak test the sink to ensure no further problems would occur for the customer.
Time to head home?
Not for Jon, Jon dropped me off on Scotswood Road where one of our Drainage Engineers Ross was working in order for me to get back to the office for 5. Jon was On Call for the night so he was on his way to another job.
I enjoyed my day with Jon, I was surprised at what goes into being a plumber and the huge variety of different jobs he can encounter on a daily basis.
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